NEW ZEALAND: EWS Satellite Tiltmeter Technology for Slip Monitoring Trialed on a South Island Highway

Slip Monitoring for NZTA (New Zealand Transport Agency):

Earlier this year, Adroit IoT assisted in Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agencytrial installation of the EWS Tiltmeter on a slip site on State Highway 8 in the Lower South Island, between Roxburgh and Alexandra.

The successful deployment of our unique Iridium enabled Telemetry Tiltmeter devices has helped Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency geotechnical engineers gain better insights into the active slip with high resolution, timely data transmitted from areas with poor cellular coverage.

It has been great to see New Zealand’s national transport agency unlock the potential of the powerful yet easy to deploy devices – opening up the possibility for monitoring of high risk slopes and slips across the country.

“A huge benefit of these units is that each device can communicate individually. Multiple units can be placed in an area and don’t need a base station. There’s low cell coverage in this area as well, so we’re able to connect to the Iridium Satellite Network” – Robert Choveaux, Transport Services System Manager, Waka Kotahi NZTA.